Medicine for Ukraine

Join us in helping to provide medical aid to the people of Ukraine during these trying times 

About Us

Nickolas Kinachtchouk

Charity President

Medicine for Ukraine was founded with the goal of providing medical aid for Ukrainians in need. Through fundraising and donation collection, we hope to help the Ukrainian people. Your donations will go to the purchase of tactile medical aid and hospital needs. Once these items are purchased, they will be shipped to Ukraine with one of our partner non-profits, Razom for Ukraine. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for helping our cause and my people!

Hospital Needs: Adhesive Bandages, Antibiotics, Irrigation Syringes, Sterile Gloves, ACE Bandages, Steroid Creams, Antifungal Cream, Portable Ventilators

Medical Needs: Tourniquets, Burn aid, CPR Masks, Cervical Collars, IV Catheters, Suture Needles, Tongue Depressors, Hemostats, Emergency Blankets 

Follow Along with Ukrainians

If you would like to follow along with what is going on in Ukraine, check out on Instagram. Also, follow us on facebook @medicineforukrainenow for updates regarding fundraisers and what your donations are going towards.  

$1.00 or more